The Wondershop故事的開始來自於生活不斷帶給我們的驚喜。
The Wondershop創立於2012年台北,精心挑選來自紐約、洛杉磯、倫敦、巴黎和雪梨的時尚及運動休閒品牌,陪伴我們每天從瑜伽教室到街頭上,從健身房到辦公室一整天的行程。 從每天都需要的實穿基本單品,晚跑穿的運動服,到下個聚會需要的別緻洋裝,妳都可以在這裡找到。
We believe in the idea that life is made up of little wonders.
The Wondershop is an online store filled with a well-curated selection of active and leisurewear to accompany us from the yoga studio to the streets, from the gym to the office. We handpicked everything from New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Sydney - from everyday workwear, your running gear, to the cocktail dress you need for that party.
We hope with every package from The Wondershop, we can bring you a little wonder.